As school gets under way once again, it can be easy to let the organization of things at home take a back seat. Coordinating pick-ups and drop-offs around your already busy work schedule can be overwhelming and exasperating.
School projects can also create chaos in your home, with paints and markers flying out of place everywhere. While it’s good to encourage your children to exercise their creativity and passion, it’s also important for your well being to make them understand the need to put things back where they found them.
Although the school year is already under way, there are ways in which you can recover if you feel as though your life has fallen into disorganized chaos. It requires a solid plan and execution, but these tips will help you get organized during the busy “back-to-school” season:
Ease Into The School Year Schedule
While it can be tempting to try to drastically change sleep schedules on the first week of school, it will take time for everyone in your family to make the adjustment. By introducing a school year bedtime with about two weeks left in the summer, you can help to ease the transition.
Create A Family Calendar
Over the course of the school year, many different events, conferences, and school-related meetings will inevitable come up. As you know, it can be incredibly difficult to keep track of all these arising obligations.
That’s why it’s essential to create a family calendar to place in your kitchen or living room that will give your family a place to write down events as they arise. Everyone will be able to check in with the calendar on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis to make sure you’re not missing anything.
Have A Plan When You Shop
“Back-to-school” shopping may have already been done, but it’s important to make a plan before simply walking into a store with your child. This will open you up to many “spur of the moment” purchases that might not actually be needed. Work with your child to make a plan for what you need from the store. This will make your shopping trip more efficient and help you avoid unnecessary purchases.
Reduce Morning Madness
Are mornings your least favourite part of the school year? It can be incredibly challenging to organize things in order to get everyone out the door on time on school days. Each night, you can do a few little things to lighten your morning load. Little tasks like setting the breakfast table or laying out children’s clothes out the night before can greatly increase the likelihood that everyone goes out the door in the morning with a smile on their faces.
Make Household Tasks More Efficient
There are many ways to make your household tasks more efficient. Learn how to speed clean to reduce the amount of time spent on household chores. Create a meal plan to reduce time in the kitchen wondering what to make for dinner. Set up a basic paper filing system to avoid disorganized stacks of paper from piling up all over your home.
These suggestions are meant to help ease you and your family’s transition back to school. For more helpful tips, check out this link today!