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Getting Ready for Back to School – Make This the Most Organized Year

Getting Ready for Back to School – Make This the Most Organized Year Yet! - Perfect Fit Closets - Custom Storage Solutions Calgary

Summer is, unfortunately, flying by. While there’s still plenty of time for you to get out and enjoy your summer freedom, it can also be beneficial to start thinking about prepping for the upcoming school year. It can be tough to get motivated to think about school when the weather is so unbelievably nice, but spending a little time organizing now will ultimately make your transition muchsmoother.

For many families, those first few weeks back to school can be incredibly hectic and stressful. The whole family must adjust to new sleep schedules and a variety of increased responsibilities, but having effective storage systems in place can significantly alleviate the inevitable tension.

At Perfect Fit Closets, we pride ourselves on helping each and every one of our clients design and install custom storage solutions that fit their unique needs. If you’re struggling to figure out where to get your organization efforts started, here are a few useful tips:

Take Stock of Elusive Back-to-School Supplies

Pencils, pens, paper, binders, and other school supplies are quite easy to lose track of when school gets out in the spring. With so much excitement surrounding the beginning of summer, it’s highly unlikely that you took time to store school supplies in an organized fashion a few months ago. Taking some time to locate and organize those back-to-school supplies will reduce the amount of scrambling you’ll need to do when those supplies are direly needed. 

Plan for Pesky Paperwork

As the school year creeps closer, and especially once it’s officially underway, paperwork can accumulate quite rapidly. If you have multiple kids in school at various grade levels, keeping track of which papers pertain to which child can quickly get out of hand. Creating a specific file in advance for each child will give you a guaranteed place to keep important papers, as well as any award-winning artwork or projects your children complete during the school year. 

Do A Little House Cleaning

Before you go out and buy new clothes and school accessories for your kids, you should take some time to sort through what you’ve already got on hand. Simply combing through your kid’s clothes to get rid of what’s been outgrown or worn through will create much more space for those hot, new back-to-school outfits. 

Get After-School Activity Gear Together

If your children are active in any after-school groups, making the quick transition from school to these activities, with all the appropriate gear in tow, can be another difficult aspect of sending your kids back to school, especially when you’ve already worked a full day yourself at that point. Take some time to organize the gear you know your children will need for after-school activities so that you’re not running around like crazy when ‘practice time’ is rapidly approaching. 

Create a System to Promote ‘Morning Efficiency’

Mornings are the most stressful part of going back to school for most families. Kids struggle to wake up and contribute much more than most adults, so creating a system that makes their morning responsibilities very minimal can be highly beneficial. Spending some time organizing the night before will also help to alleviate that morning stress immensely.


At Perfect Fit Closets, our primary purpose is to help individuals and families improve storage and organization in their homes. If you’d like to implement new, custom storage solutions before the school year gets underway, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 403-768-3049 today!