Efficient home storage will certainly make your daily life smoother and less stressful. Installing a comprehensive storage system in your home, however, can also prove beneficial when, and if, you eventually decide to sell your home.
At Perfect Fit Closets, we design custom storage solutions for homes and rooms of all shapes and sizes. We’ve seen just how important storage options are to many interested homebuyers, and we want to help you put an attractive system in place.
If there is even the slightest possibility that you’ll sell your home in the future, storage options will be a very important factor when showing your home to potential buyers. Anyone interested in purchasing your home wants to be sure they’ll have ample space to store all the possessions they plan to move in.
While every homeowner is different, most buyers want to know that the stage is set for them to create an efficient lifestyle within a short time after moving into a new home. Let’s further examine the importance of efficiency in the eyes of buyers, as well as a few tips for increasing the efficiency of your home’s storage system.
What Are Buyers Looking For?
Although the importance of energy efficiency is growing rapidly, many interested buyers are also concerned about a home’s storage options. According to the National Association of Home Builders (NABH), ninety percent of buyers prefer a bathroom linen closet where they can store towels and toiletries. In addition, eighty-six percent of buyers desire enough garage space to store sports equipment and tools while eighty-five percent reported that they prefer a kitchen that includes a walk-in pantry.
Amanda LeBlanc, the national spokesperson for Organized Living, and a professional home organizer, receives a number of weekly calls from prospective clients seeking to improve storage in their homes. According to LeBlanc, laundry room organization is also supremely important to a vast majority of homebuyers.
“Don’t skimp on [the laundry] space,” LeBlanc says. “It’s important to a homebuyer. They want and need a laundry room that works, not just looks good! When it comes to tackling the laundry, they will save an enormous amount of time [with efficient storage in place] and they will love you for it!”
Organizing for Efficiency
Every homeowner inevitably has their own unique needs, but setting the foundation for an efficient storage system will significantly improve your ability to attract potential buyers and increase the likelihood of converting one of these interested searchers into the new owner of your home.
At Perfect Fit Closets, we design custom storage solutions for homeowners with a variety of unique needs, and we can also help you install a more universal storage system that will remain customizable for whomever eventually decides to purchase your home.
When you’re trying to sell your home, you’d do best to explore areas in which you may be able to improve storage, even in the slightest manner. If you ‘re interested in exploring storage options for your home, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 403-768-3049 today!