As the school year winds down you might begin to prepare for having your kids around a bit more during the summer months. While there will inevitably be a number of spring and summer chores to keep them busy, it’s also important to give them creative outlets for dispelling their summer energy.
If you don’t currently have a craft room to contain the likely messes that will be made through your artistic endeavors, this can be a great time to commit a specific area of your home to this purpose. If you do have a craft room that’s been neglected, here are a few simple tips to help you get organized:
Create your ‘Craft Closet’
If your family has a strong passion for crafts, you’ll benefit from designating one closet in your home for craft purposes only. This gives you a designated area where you can keep all of your craft supplies and materials for easy access when inspiration hits.
If you have very young children, you might consider setting up your craft closet in your child’s playroom. This gives you the ability to work while you supervise. If you don’t have a free closet to designate for craft purposes only, you can utilize portable cubbies or pullout drawers to maximize the space in your existing closets and create room for your craft supplies.
Arrange by Hobby
If your craft time isn’t limited to one focus area, you’ll benefit from separating supplies and materials based on your specific hobbies. If you like to paint on Friday nights, sketch Saturdays, and practice clay sculpting on Sundays, you’re going to need to organize the unique supplies for each of these hobbies separately.
While your various craft materials can certainly find space in a single ‘craft closet,’ organizing by hobby can help you find the exact supplies you need when you need them. Organize colored pencils and other sketching materials on one shelf or drawer, keeping them separate from painting supplies or sculpting instruments.
Organize Craft Staples
Regardless of the specific hobby you’re sitting down to dabble in, there are most likely a number of ‘craft staples’ that you’re always going to need. Scissors, glue guns, tape, and a number of other essentials should be stored so that you’re able to access them quickly and easily, no matter what specific craft you’re working on.
Utilize Nooks and Crannies
Optimizing storage in your craft room is about using every inch of space imaginable. Wall space, space over or behind the door, and storage areas under a desk or table are easy to forget, but they can also make it much easier to organize craft supplies to your liking. Once you begin to pinpoint these ‘nooks and crannies,’ you’ll be surprised by how much storage space you can create.
Take your Crafts On-the-Go
If you’re gearing up for a busy summer you might need to consider how to take you craft supplies on the go. In addition to organizing your in-home craft space, you should invest in creating a portable storage container with all your desirable craft basics. Whether you prefer a handled tote or rolling drawers, making sure your supplies can easily travel with you is essential to maximizing your summer craft time.
At Perfect Fit Closets, we design custom storage solutions for all areas of the home. If you’d like to speak to one of our experienced custom storage experts, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 1-587-230-8120 today!