
Closet and Garage Components


Our panel suppliers are Uniboard, Tafisa, and Sublime. Below is your breakdown for each of our 4 color categories along with the internal core material information:

Color Pricing Levels:

The following percentages provide the increase in the color pricing levels.

TFL1 Set sq ft price – 0% increase
TFL2 18% – increase above TFL1 set price
TFL3 30% – increase above TFL1 set price
TFL4 49% – increase above TFL1 set price
Matte 72% to 193% – increase above TFL1 set price (color dependent)
High Gloss 72% to 193% – increase above TFL1 set price (color dependent)

For example, TFL3 is 30% higher than TFL1 and 12% higher than TFL2.